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vergesst WEb 2.0 Techniken

Vergesst Web 2.0

Online Educa Berlin



eLearning Anbieter

Unternehmens-spezifischer Inhalt für Blended Learning und eLearning Projekte

Mein Vortrag am 3.12.2009 auf der Online Educa Berlin im  Hotel InterContinental in der Session IMP 19. Diese Session fand im Raum Charlottenburg statt unter der Rubrik: 21st Century Assessment Debate. Mein Chairman war Sue Martin.

Der Titel meines Vortrages lautete konkret:
„Vergessen Sie Web 2.0 Techniken – lassen Sie uns über Lerner, Kreativität und die Bedeutung von Lernen sprechen“ und das Motto war: „Perspektivenwechsel im eLearning“

Hier das Abstract - in Englisch

Forget about Web 2.0 techniques –
Let’s talk about learners, creativity and the impact of learning

In the past few years everybody has spoken about Web 2.0 techniques. The tools, there in, such as „twitter“ or „Skype“ are used for communications. „Learning management systems“ or „Learning content management systems“ are used for administration. Learning platforms, diverse evaluation tools and test tools, etc. are also part of Web 2.0 – but nobody has spoken with the students about their willingness to learn.

The outcome is, that we hear employees and students saying, that programs are boring, do not fit their needs, are too long and are not integrated in good curricula. The effect is that they just take their eLearning or tests – without testing, reading or learning the rest of the program. Nobody controls what the students have learned – the techniques will accomplish it – it’s rapid learning without transfer into daily work. It is just doing – that Human Resource people and supervisors have required. Thus, learning starts to be annoying, quick and dirty and not motivating. As a result, initiators and students are not fulfilled.
That is not the purpose of learning!

The purpose of learning

The objects for which we learn, are:

  • an act of gaining knowledge
  • improving skills
  • improving conduct
  • enhancing success

So how do we get there? What do we need for this?

The initiators of a learning program need to be open minded for intensive dialogue and critical discussions. They should be able to talk about a clear benefit of training together with potential students and participants.
This will require more time on the part of the initiators but the big result will be less resistance by the students. You have to change the behavior of the participants from „victim“ to „perpetrator“ in a positive manner. This change will only be effective with strong integration of the participants.
Integration will require that you take a look at yourself, your leadership behavior, the tasks given to the employees and the students.
You also have to check your organizational structure, determine if it is effective, efficient and transparent. After this you can change and adapt the values in your company. When you have prepared and adapted these steps, it is important to check your project organization. You should have a good process plan and a well defined project team with a clear structured project plan. If these are accomplished, you can start to integrate all the team members into a very creative process with a lot of inventiveness, innovation and awareness.

Vergesst Web 2.0 sucht nach einer self enabling structure

As a unity you develop good learning design with all the needed tools and methods into a harmonic interaction. This combination, which will be adapted to all circumstances, to all requirements and needs, will lead you to a self enabling structure. This structure is supporting and leading the students through the whole learning process. They will be equipped with all the important and necessary items. They need to be enabled to continually transfer the acquired knowledge into their daily work.

At the end you have a life cycle of a motivating learning design, where you use the challenge and have the feeling of success in every turn. Together with your team you create a positive motivating spiral for all students. They must have the ability and the willingness to use this learning design for their future. They will learn with more fun, motivation, inquisitiveness, action and success!

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